New Web Portal

Nov 09, 2020

A new simplified web portal has been deployed, replacing the old WordPress/BuddyPress website, which offered many unused web collaboration features not related to the SIP/VoIP services. The old portal was based on a social networking platform that had a level of complexity not necessary for this service, many users find it hard to navigate for managing the SIP account details.

The new portal focuses on the SIP service only, providing what is required to register a user account and the corresponding SIP profile, view and update user attributes, incoming and outgoing calls, speed dial records managent as well as viewing active SIP end points.

The web portal is in beta stage, for any problems using it or troubles with the SIP service, open a ticket at:

Several VoIP service features of the old portal are not yet ported, among them the web notifications on missed calls or instant messaging and the minimal webrtc phone app. Open a ticket if you used them and you want them back quickly. It helps us to set priorities, because we also plan to add other new features.

Stay safe and enjoy!